V. S. Alumona (Ph.D.)
Areas of Research: History of Philosophy, Greek Philosophy, Rhetorics and African Philosophy
M.A. Thesis: Political Decline and Varieties of Intellectual Reactions in Post-Aristotelian Philosophy.
Ph.D. Thesis: Scepticism and the Practice of Rhetoric in Protagoras and Gorgias
E-Mail: onuegbe2002@yahoo.com; vsalumona@oauife.edu.ng
Alumona, V. S. (2011) “A Critical Rhetoric Appraisal of Ojukwu’s Ahiara Declaration,” African Identities, Vol. 9, No. 1, 67-84
Alumona V.S. “Name and Identity in Nsukka Culture” Anthropology, Journal of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (IEA) Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Alumona, V. S. (2007) “The Use of several ad hominem arguments in Plato’s Protagoras”, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, xxx (1-2), 108-139.
Alumona, V.S. (2006) “A Critical Reflection on Cabral’s criteria for citizenship”, Journal of Pan-African Studies 1 (5).
Alumona, V.S. (2004) “Gorgias’ Skepticism regarding Greek Social Class distinctions in the funeral oration (DK 82. B5a)” Journal of Humanities, 18, 2004, 1 – 11.