A. O. Oladosu (Ph.D.)

A. O. Oladosu (Ph.D.)

Associate Professor

Areas of Research: Philosophy of Law, Philosophical Ethics and Philosophy of Social Sciences.


Oladosu, Jare, (2011) “J.S. Mill’s Principle of Liberty and the African Communalist Tradition”, forthcoming in Political Culture, Governance and the State in Africa, edited by Abdalla Bujra, Nairobi, Kenya: DPMF, pp. 203 – 234.

Oladosu, Jare. (2005) “Quine on the Analytic/Synthetic Distinction”, The Nigerian Journal of Philosophy, vol 21, no.1, pp.91 -111.

Oladosu, Jare. (2005) “Designing Viable Republican Constitutions for Modern African States: Why the Institution of Traditional Kingship Must Be Abolished”, African Journal of International Affairs, Vol.8, Nos. 1&2, pp.45-63

Oladosu, Jare. 2001. “Choosing a Legal Theory on Cultural Grounds: An African Case for Legal Positivism,” in Kenneth Himma (ed.) Law, Morality, and Legal Positivism (Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – IVR), Munchen, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004, pp.47 – 72.

Oladosu, Jare. 2000. “On Self-Interest and Moral Obligation: A Case of How Not to Do African Philosophy.” African Notes, vol. xx1v, nos. 1 &2, pp. 1 – 13

Oladosu, Adejare. 1991. “H.L.A. Hart on Legal Obligation.” Ratio Juris. (Italy) vol. 4, no 2 (July 1991), pp. 152-176